About me

I'm Antonio Caggioni, I was born in Italy on April 3rd 1987 the 5th of 6 childs. I've developed the passion for juggling at young age.

When I was 10, my youngest brother Giovanni was born and readily diagnosed with Down Syndrome. It was not easy to understand what this meant for me and for my family.
Over the years Giovanni also had to go for multiple eye surgeries and was later diagnosed also with West Syndrome ... (OK, the story is long). All of this left Giovanni unable to speak, but definitely with a lot to say. My unbounded love for Giovanni only grew over time.
While my older brothers found their ways in Engineering and Physics, I felt that something different was asked of me. I wanted to do something that could combine my passion for Juggling with helping Giovanni and others like him with a different way of espressing themselves.
I got a degree at the Medical Faculty of Medicine in Milan studying Psychiatric Riabilitation.
During my freshmen year I had the opportunity to work, as part of my training curriculum, at the Niguarda Hospital's Psyco-Social center. There I had the chance to lead a group of Juggling Therapy with 10 patients. It has been a great experince to see people seemingly unable to communicate start to express themselves through Juggling and their new-born smile on their faces (... and my smile too).
I'm looking forward to continue playing with them. 
If you know more or you want to know more about Juggling Therapy feel free to drop me a line at antonio.caggioni@juggling-therapy.com

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